I bought the rock star plates in 06 and 07. I needed the 07 plate because it has Miley on it...and...well, you KNOW I have to be prepared for the Miley concert in Charlotte on August 6th!!!
Anyway, I saw the rock star plate 06 and noticed Kurt Cobain...so I had to have that!
Added bonus: Christina Aguilera and the Spice Girls on the 07 plate...basically, this stamping plate was made for me!!!
The quality of these plates is incredible!
They come in these precious little protective sleeves...which makes me breathe easy since I don't have any containers to keep stamping plates "safe." I'm not really in the "stamping scene," but I think it's going to happen thanks to these amazing plates!
They're really sturdy too! So that makes stamping even easier-- you can transfer so evenly...if that makes sense!
They're made of hard plastic, and it's awesome!!!!
I love these things! Such great quality!
This picture quality isn't too fabulous...but you get the idea! Great stamping plates and I will definitely be purchasing more in the future!!
Thanks for reading!
- Marissa